maanantaina, syyskuuta 04, 2006

Just a perfect (Sun)day

Yesterday was the most cheerful day for ages. And all because of a friend. I spent most of my Sunday in Helsinki and saw a dear friend of mine. I haven´t met and/or spoke (physically) with her for a long time (thanks to MSN, we speak virtually almost everyday). She has been under the weather lately, so I decided to cheer her up. The orginal plan was to go to the movies anf grab something to eat. But unfortunately my friend could not move a muscle properly, so we decided to stay at her place.

While drinking tea, we merely talked and talked for hours - like friends who has known each other for many years (actually little over a year). Mostly about music, friends, friendship, men, women, families, dogs and life in general. Also about diffirent cultures, because she used to work abroad. We also spoke English (both) and Swedish - I know I did - and chilled served white wine got nothing to do with this one.

I really did enjoy myself just being with my friend and talking about life and other important topic. I assume that she enjoyed it too and her mood got a bit better. Afterwards I had a guilty conscience. She had a headache, sore back and she was a bit tired too. And one of her best friends needed to talk with her on MSN. Sorry about that, really am. But I´d guess we both needed that - talking that is.

Althought I missed three busses when leaving Helsinki, it was a perfect day - for Sunday. Thanks mate and catch you later..
Oh it's such a perfect day,
I'm glad I spent it with you.
Oh such a perfect day,
You just keep me hanging on,
You just keep me hanging on.

2 kommenttia:

Anonyymi kirjoitti...

I had a good time, too. Thanks mate. You did cheer me up.

Anonyymi kirjoitti...

Hienoa, että kävit ystävääsi tapaamassa ja ilahduttamassa. Ystävistä on pidettävä huolta, jos/kun sellaisia on...

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